Postdoctoral position
Biomedical Sciences, University of Birmingham
- Supervisors
Dr Maarten Hoogenkamp, Dr Vesna Stanulovic & Prof Geoffrey Brown
- Application deadline
To be posted with a deadline of 12th April 2024
- Funding status
Directly Funded Project (Students Worldwide)
- Project title
The selective action of RAR ligands
- Project description (max 500 words)
The cells that sustain a cancer and that are largely responsible for metastatic and aggressive disease are termed cancer stem cells. They are not eliminated by conventional treatments because chemotherapeutics and radiotherapy target dividing cells and cancer stem cells are quiescent. Cancer stem cells, therefore, provide a source of cells that replenish a cancer post-treatment leading to disease relapse. The many endeavours to find a means to eliminate cancer stem cells might provide a bona fide cure for some cancers. Activity of the retinoic acid receptor g (for the active metabolite of vitamin A) is important to cancer stem cell survival and proliferation. We have developed a synthetic compound that switches off the activity of this receptor. It kills cancer stem cells without affecting normal cells.
This project will study why the cancer stem cells die whereas normal cells are unaffected. This is important to developing the compound for use to treat patients. The project will use prostate cancer cell lines as model system and untransformed prostate epithelial cells as control. To investigate how retinoic acid receptor g regulates gene expression at DNA promoters and enhancers, we will perform genome wide sequencing techniques, such as RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and chromatin accessibility by DNase1-sequencing. The researcher will be trained in molecular biology techniques, including the genome wide techniques, and their analysis.
At the time of recruitment, the researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity in the country of the beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to recruitment under the project.
- Any funding information (max 100 words)
The person, of any nationality, will be recruited to work within the EU-funded Doctoral Network eRaDicate ( for 36 months. The UK isn’t an Associated Partner, and UKRI have agreed to underwrite (at an exchange rate of 1.180720) to give a fixed salary rate of £43,922.00 p. a., subject to review i.e. no increments or pay awards will be payable for the appointment duration. This salary rate will then be subject to UK Income Tax and Employee’s National Insurance contributions and Employee’s Superannuation and to UKRI reviewing the exchange rate every 12 months.
- Any references. BROWN G (2023). Targeting the retinoic acid pathway to eradicate cancer stem cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24, 2373.
- Categories. Cancer/Oncology, Clinical Science, Cancer Therapeutics, Development Biology
- Applications to;